Watch the keynote presentation of the CLEAN 2022 needs assessment summit by James Frederick, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety, and Health, as the event keynote speaker

CLEAN Lessons Learned

Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Workers: Challenges, Solutions & Invisible Barriers

Keynote Presentation: Higher Risk Occupations and COVID-19

This was the Keynote Presentation of the CLEAN 2022 summit: Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Workers: Challenges, Solutions & Invisible Barriers by James Frederick, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA). 

The presentation focused on workplace safety topics; Kenneth Martinez and James Frederick discussed addressing the challenges employees face, especially essential workers. With varying and sometimes conflicting requirements across states, the issue of formulating consistent safety policies during the COVID-19 pandemic became a focal point. Frederick, bringing insights from OSHA, shed light on the Supreme Court ruling, which emphasized the need for deferring to individual state policies, highlighting the intricacies of navigating such a diverse regulatory landscape.

The discussion spotlighted the evolving nature of the OSHA standards in addressing workplace safety topics, such as infectious disease threats. With a clear emphasis on safeguarding essential workers and ensuring a cohesive approach to safety across varied state policies, the presentation was an enlightening guide for those championing workplace safety.

Watch the other sessions of the 4-part NAS CLEAN Lessons Learned series

Gig Economy Workers Discussion Panel: Knowledge Dissemination and Application

Go to this session

Education: Risks and Recommendations

Go to this session

First Responder Discussion Panel: Risks, Training, PPE and Decontamination

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Agriculture and Construction

Go to this session

Sponsor Spotlight

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)

AIHA is the association for scientists and professionals committed to preserving and ensuring occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) in the workplace and community. Founded in 1939, we support our members with our expertise, networks, comprehensive education programs, and other products and services that help them maintain the highest professional and competency standards. More than half of AIHA’s nearly 8,500 members are Certified Industrial Hygienists, and many hold other professional designations. AIHA serves as a resource for those employed across the public and private sectors and the communities in which they work.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC is the nation’s leading science-based, data-driven service organization that protects the public’s health. For over 70 years, they’ve put science into action to help children stay healthy so they can grow and learn, to help families, businesses, and communities fight disease and stay strong, and to protect the public’s health.

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