Pioneering Steps to Control Infectious Aerosols: Dr. Claire Bird Offers Expert Insight on ASHRAE’s New Draft Standard

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As we navigate through the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and other airborne diseases, there is a dire need to implement measures that will ensure the safety and health of individuals within indoor environments. One organization leading the charge on this front is ASHRAE, an esteemed body renowned for its HVAC&R standards and guidelines.

We’re excited to share that on May 15, ASHRAE unveiled the first draft of Standard 241P, a remarkable piece of work providing minimum requirements for HVAC-related measures aimed at reducing the risk of transmission of airborne viruses in homes, offices, schools, and hospitals during periods of high risk. This document is an incredible development and is slated to be finalized and published in July.

We are particularly proud and thrilled that Dr. Claire Bird, who is part of our Science Advisory Board, is featured in an in-depth article where she gives her expert analysis on the implications of this new standard, specifically for Australia.

Dr. Bird notes that the standard primarily focuses on tackling the long-range transmission of infectious aerosols. The guidelines provide a comprehensive approach to establishing thresholds for equivalent outdoor air exchange rates, thus improving indoor air quality and significantly mitigating infection risk during periods of high risk.

According to Dr. Bird, the release of this standard is an important step that will have a significant impact on the Australian market. We are heartened to see such global progress and look forward to the strides that will be made in improving indoor air quality, ultimately fostering healthier living and working environments.

We highly encourage you to delve into the full article and garner a deeper understanding of the intricacies of ASHRAE’s draft Standard 241P and the potential benefits it could bring to our indoor environments.

Read the full article here: 

As we continue to support efforts for safer and healthier indoor spaces, we invite you to join us in this exciting journey and be part of the conversation.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from our team and members of our Science Advisory Board. Let’s continue to learn, adapt, and move forward together in these challenging times.

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