Watch this recording for an engaging conversation on IAQ and how we can use it to combat disease transmission in our homes, workplaces, and public spaces.

CLEAN Lessons Learned

Indoor Air Quality as a Public Health Strategy to Reduce the Risk of Infectious Disease Transmission in the Built Environment

Indoor Air Quality as a Public Health Strategy to Reduce the Risk of Infectious Disease Transmission in the Built Environment

The session delved into the critical role of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) as a pillar of public health, especially concerning the reduction of infectious disease transmission within built environments. Notably, such strategies have gained traction through collaborative efforts of prominent organizations, including AIHA and ASHRAE.

Over the duration of the discussion, a recurrent theme was the significance of upholding and advancing standards, with ASHRAE Standard 241 emerging as a notable reference. Its adoption is vital for optimizing IAQ but hinges on the endorsement of local and state authorities.

Emerging technologies, especially in contamination monitoring, have stirred interest as they promise more precise interventions. Historical health measures offered a lens to view the current scenario, drawing parallels and emphasizing equitable public health approaches.

Federal investment, exemplified by the Department of Education’s funding endeavors, spotlighted the government’s dedication to refining IAQ. As the discourse wrapped up, there was a unanimous call for sustained efforts and forward-thinking strategies to navigate the intricate landscape of IAQ, especially in an era marked by shifting health dynamics.

Watch the other sessions of the 4-part IAQ CLEAN Lessons Learned series

The Critical Role of IAQ in Infection Prevention

Go to this session

Bridging the Gap Between Current IAQ Assessments and Evolving Biosensing Technologies in Built Environments

Go to this session

Ventilation as a Key Defense Against Infectious Diseases

Go to this session

Unraveling Infectious Disease Transmission in the Built Environment

Go to this session

Sponsor Spotlight

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)

AIHA is the association for scientists and professionals committed to preserving and ensuring occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) in the workplace and community. Founded in 1939, we support our members with our expertise, networks, comprehensive education programs, and other products and services that help them maintain the highest professional and competency standards. More than half of AIHA’s nearly 8,500 members are Certified Industrial Hygienists, and many hold other professional designations. AIHA serves as a resource for those employed across the public and private sectors and the communities in which they work.

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