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The CEAT: a powerful tool for infectious disease risk assessment

By / Oct 12, 2022 /

The CEAT is a powerful tool for infectious disease risk assessment. Keep reading to learn about its development and use. We will never forget March 11th, 2020, the day when the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. However, more important for what was to come may have been a day before, on March 10th,…

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Best ways to be safe from COVID-19 in public transport

By / Sep 7, 2022 /

Since the beginning of the pandemic, industrial hygienists have been researching and broadcasting the information needed to prevent the infection & spread of COVID-19. Under their advice and other scientific community areas, the world has created protocols, technologies, and strategies to mitigate the risk.  Many industries have been affected by the widespread of this virus,…

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Woman feeling safe in public transport

NIOSH Hierarchy of Controls for Public Transport

By / Sep 7, 2022 /

In our latest CLEAN Lessons Learned Session – Making Confidence Our Travel Companion: Managing the environment to reduce public transport transmission, we discussed how the NIOSH Hierarchy of Controls can be implemented in public transport safety.  The NIOSH Hierarchy of Controls proposes the following control methods:  Elimination.  Substitution.  Engineering controls.  Administrative controls. PPE.  Each of…

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paramedic wearing a face mask

How to Protect first responders from the Spread of Covid-19

By / Apr 21, 2022 /

After the impact of COVID-19 on our society, it has become evident that one of the industries whose workers are most affected is first responders. First responders are tired, both physically and mentally. The pandemic has brought them prolonged levels of high stress and excessive emotional tension – both on and off-duty. Adding to that,…

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teacher in front of chalkboard with face mask

How to Protect teachers and educators from the Spread of Covid-19

By / Apr 21, 2022 /

It’s not a surprise that one of our society’s most affected industrial sectors is the education sector. Despite the 2020-21 academic year ending better than years before thanks to ventilation efforts, outside graduation, and vaccines, it was still one of the most challenging years educators ever experienced. COVID-19 has highlighted the education industry’s preexisting opportunity…

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three construction workers looking at the camera wearing face masks

How to Protect Agriculture Workers from the Spread of Covid-19

By / Apr 21, 2022 /

The construction industry has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic while being challenged to improve its workforce safety and well-being. Since COVID-19 started, there have been labor shortages due to the work disruptions that developed by following constraints put in place to mitigate the spread of the virus. In addition, there is a shortage…

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two workers undergoing OSHA covid training to keep covid-19 health and safety protocols

Interview with J. Frederick: COVID-19 and vulnerable workers

By / Apr 21, 2022 /

Since COVID-19 started, we have been looking for the right resources and standards to navigate our experience in the world safely. All over the world, people are looking to crucial stakeholders to regulate and guide the process through this pandemic. The rulemaking process in the U.S. is one of the most crucial processes to ensure…

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How To Improve Indoor Air Quality – An OSTP Discussion on COVID

By / Apr 15, 2022 /

The Biden-Harris Administration identified improved indoor air quality as an essential tool to fight the spread of airborne diseases in the American Pandemic Preparedness Plan last September – and the National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan prioritized it again earlier this month. As part of the efforts, on March 29th, 2022, clean air experts gathered at an…

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COVID Airborne transmission

Why Did It Take So Long To Accept COVID Is Airborne?

By / Jan 17, 2022 /

This is an extract from our August CLEAN Lessons Learned session “Getting Serious About Airborne Infection Transmission” where Dr. Lidia Morawska gave a presentation about the airborne nature of the COVID-19 virus and others. At our CLEAN Lessons Learned Session: “Getting Serious About Airborne Infection Transmission,” we discussed the reasons why it took so long…

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Going back to school Covid-19

Top Guidelines To Follow In The COVID-19 Era

By / Jan 17, 2022 /

This is an extract of our CLEAN Lessons Learned September session: Resilience, Recovery, Return: Getting back to School Confidently and Safely. To have access to the entire session, become an IBEC member today.  When COVID-19 broke into the news, there was a sense of complete misguidance regarding the guidelines needed to keep people safe. We…

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