IBEC’s Chief Science Officer to attend SHIELD Network Webinar on school health and indoor air quality


Ken Martinez, Chief Science Officer and Board founding member of IBEC, will participate in the School Health and Indoor Environments Leadership Development (SHIELD)  webinar on school health and indoor air quality.

The webinar will address topics such as how to make the pandemic IAQ progress permanent, assess new guidance and technical assistance to make way for recruitment and recognition, and indoor air quality strategies such as testing, monitoring, and sensors. Lastly, the panel will tackle the objective of amplifying IAQ through industry education.

It will take place on October 26th from 1pm to 2:30 pm EDT. It will gather SHIELD network partners, which include non-governmental organizations, school district representatives with established, sustainable IAQ management programs, industry leaders, government agencies (federal and state level), and community-based asthma coalitions focused on schools and/or healthy indoor environments.

If you are interested in learning and collaborating to ensure healthier indoor air quality, contact the Integrated Bioscience and Built Environment Consortium today (IBEC).

To do your part in making your building, organization, and community healthier and safer from COVID-19, Commit to C.A.R.E. now.

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